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Fixed Vote 2 Is Not Working For Me


Retired Staff
The last 2 days I have voted on the second voter thing and my total has not gone up on the list but it still says that I cant vote again until tomorrow. I have waited 10 minutes as it says to update but it sill says I have 8 votes rather than 10, also I checked my spelling for it and it still didn't work properly, please help.


Retired Staff
That's what I mean. I do that and it comes up on the thing at the end, but when I look on the list for the amount of votes im still on 8 votes, when now I should be on 11.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Are you sure you are writing your name CaSe SeNsItIvE?


Retired Staff
Its working now, but is there any way that you could check and see that I have voted with a certain difference, it would be round about the same name and its kinda unfair that im missing out on votes that could mean me losing even though I have voted? Im pretty sure it was CaSe SeNsItIvE, because my two capitals for XV and S where put in there, and _ was instead of -.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Sorry but there's no way to do that, you'll have to vote again :(


Retired Staff
So you're saying that Ive lost the voting, cant you just add 2 onto my total when you come to add up all the votes at the end of the month?