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Fixed u found a bug :0


Trusted Member
In Game Name: 200315844 and d_nice13711
When do you discovered this Bug: at 1:40 am easter standard time
Explain what is the bug and how you repeat it: me and d where making it so redstone would shoot stuff out of an dispenser with redstone. (we also tried dropper) and we turned it on and nothing happened we know the redstone was correct we can show u zainos when were both online. to repeat it just have redstone hooked up to dispenser in the air
Where is this bug Located / In wich section?: the bug is located in d_nice13711 plot u can get there by doing /plotme h:2
d_nice13711 and its by the dispensers above hall of fame. thanks for the help.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
I tried it and it worked, try again. Or maybe your are missing something in your redstone sistem, theres no bug...