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Fixed Tnt Bug


Active Member
Recently I've found that TNT doesn't light when you set it on fire. I found out when I was above someone. I was trying to set the TNT on fire, so it would drop and explode on the person below me. It didn't light, and caught me on fire. Sadly, I forgot to take a screenshot of it.


Retired Staff
You can't light TNT when crouching so if you were crouching that's why. This is just vanilla minecraft so nothing can be done.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Recently I've found that TNT doesn't light when you set it on fire. I found out when I was above someone. I was trying to set the TNT on fire, so it would drop and explode on the person below me. It didn't light, and caught me on fire. Sadly, I forgot to take a screenshot of it.
Yes or once you lit it and it does the glitch wait 10 secs
I tested this multiple times and it never happened. Please record a video showing the bug, otherwise I can't fix it.