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The Horror Of Spring Break


Active Member
Attention: This was written as nothing more than a joke, a laugh to read about. While the situations portrayed in this are very true, some of the emotions aren't and some are. You'll just have to figure out my true feelings. I have become disillusioned with the presumably "good" idea of spring break. Spring break seems to be designed to make kids relaxed and willing to follow orders before slamming them with ridiculously overplayed exams that I am SO OVER, thanks for asking. But, no matter. I am spending a generous portion of spring break with my family, which is a pleasant notion on the surface, but in practice- it probably wasn't the best of ideas. So, let me tell you the story of the worst day ever.

I was woken up, forced to haphazardly brush my teeth and stumble out into the cool air of the dawn before 5 am to bundle myself up in a not-so-spacious car and pretend that my whole ride was going to be fun. Joy....

After kidnapping my grandma and her sister, we were on our way to North Carolina, leaving behind Florida, my one and only home. For many hours, I laid there on the back seats, having the entire back of the car (well, it's sort-of a van) to myself. It was pretty uncomfortable, the strap of the cumbersome seat belt digging into my soft flesh. I desired to get rid of it, but wasn't willing to risk my safety. Propping up my feet, I wondered when the sun would finally rise and when it would be acceptable to talk to my friends.

Many hours of boredom and occasional pain later, we took a bathroom break. Since I had been loaded up with a food stash and plenty of water bottles, I had to leave the van and go into the unfamiliar world of gas station bathrooms.

The ride basically repeated all of its patterns, the mundanity of it all only being broken up by soothing music, an intriguing book (which ended in a horrible cliffhanger, so I promptly slammed it shut in a fit of irrational anger) and was amused by friendly messages delivered to my phone by green balloons.

So, which parts are true and which parts are false? Only I will know and only you can decide. If anyone figures at least one false part AND one true part, I will reveal the whole smoke and mirrors. See you then!


Trusted Member
The only part which I decided was false was the part where you said you kidnapped your grandma and sister, lol. I still have another week till spring break, then I'm going to the beach in North Carolina :)


Retired Staff
You didn't go to N.C. you went somewhere else. And the ending of the book was amazing not some sappy cliff hanger. And you did "Kidnap" your grandma.


Active Member
The real story: I did get up before 5 am to go into an uncomfortable car. I did NOT kidnap my grandma and sister. However, we did not actually take my sister at all =P She stayed behind at my grandparents' house, a noble venture (maybe). I spent most of my time laying down for a few hours and reading, flinging the book because of a cliffhanger and generally had a miserable car drive. But, when we got to North Carolina, it was nice, I suppose. So, that redeemed the trip somewhat, but not by much.

I find these short trips to be vastly overrated.