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Story Chain


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As Zainos at some cake, Captain America Bach was callled in by the cake. Super Bach slammed his fists into Zainos' face and demanded admin. Zainos then


Retired Staff
Went into a furious rage and called the one person who he knew that could fix the problem, his name was...... Kaimoose. Feared through all the land and...


Trusted Member
went off to explore, but was soon found and a pair of hunters went after him. Kaimoose was surrounded and bach needed him as soon as possible, buuuuttttt...


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SIKE, he used his swaggy Kaimoose mobile and drove away b4 the hunters could catch him...


Trusted Member
DID A DOUBLE SIKE on kaimoose. He gets turned into chocolate mousse and sold into a cake for the president. But bach...


Retired Staff
Away from Zainos, because she had previously roundhouse kicked him (By accident XD). But Zainos was still lurking in the shadows and....


Retired Staff
Kaimoose pressed "respawn" and newly revived and angered at bach for eating him, set out for revenge and to help Zainos...


Retired Staff
They tied her to a chair. She wiggled, she squirmed, it was no use. She was unable to escape. Kaimoose looked her dead in the eyes and said "Vengeance, is hard won." He pulls something out his bag, what is it? It's a jar of brown paint? For what, LadyBug thought. He took out a paint brush and painted her entire face brown. Then, got a pair of antlers, and shouted, "You are now, A HOLY KAIMOOOSEEE!" Zainos gave her a mirror to look in, she gasped, then screamed....


Trusted Member
"I LOOK LIKE A TURD" she immediately escaped from being tied up and ran away to search for somewhere to get the paint off. Once she found somewhere she...


Trusted Member
"I LOOK LIKE A TURD" she immediately escaped from being tied up and ran away to search for somewhere to get the paint off. Once she found somewhere she...
Was immediately approached by a small red creature. She squinted to see it better and realized it was a hamstelmo! The hamstelmo flew onto her face and licked the paint off. Then.....


Retired Staff
Ladybug, suddenly on a violent streak, found Kaimoose and roundhouse kicked him in the face. Once he was knocked out, she pulled out two jars. One had red paint, the other had black paint. She painted his face to become a ladybug! She then ran away screaming, "GOTTEM!"


Retired Staff
Ladybug was knocked out, but Bach came up and revived her. Then he took off after the magical Guinea Elmo screaming, "YOU DO NOT KICK MY GIRLFRIEND IN THE FACE!" and down came Mjölnir on Guinea Elmo's head.