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Website Sponsored bidding for HHG

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Active Member
IGN - TotallyNotAustin

Idea - Zainos I have an idea for the server. So... I was voting right..? I got to the 5th voting system (Minestatus) and it said something about Sponsored bidding. I was like so what's this? It said something like "Want your server at the top spot for minestatus?" I was like ooh this seems nice. So Zainos... wanna get a top spot on the minestatus voting system? You and your staff better get to bidding ;)


Active Member
dude. if u wanna get on the top spot, WE GOTTA VOTE MORE!!! y do u think ppl vote?? ppl vote for prizes, but little do they know that they are getting our server higher up! At least this is what i think..
Yup, people just vote for all the prizes/coins on the server but they don't really notice that thanks to that, the server is going up higher. We need to start voting A LOT not only for the prizes, but to help the server grow! :)


Retired Staff
Yeah to be honest I have never played on a server that I have seen being advertised. But I guess a lot of people do.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Yeah, we try to participate in those slots of some more popular voting sites (Minestatus isn't very popular at all) every once in a while, but remember that we need money for that so we need donations in order to do it. That's why each donation helps the server to grow in all ways! (Hosting, development, and even advertising!)


Active Member
MC_ProYT back to criticize more of my posts aintcha'? I was suggesting something! Not saying you should vote more, I vote more than you on an average basis MC_ProYT and you're gonna come criticize me about voting? Tough step you took mate.


Trusted Member
MC_ProYT back to criticize more of my posts aintcha'? I was suggesting something! Not saying you should vote more, I vote more than you on an average basis MC_ProYT and you're gonna come criticize me about voting? Tough step you took mate.
criticizing? r u insane? im informing you on what the voting feature does! i dont really get how this is a suggestion though.. making a suggestion to vote more? xD

also, Trenly is completely correct! If u dont want criticism, LEAVE FORUMS! Forums is all criticism and your just gonna have to live with it!
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