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Skyblock Specific player block?


So.. I know there's a /msgtoggle command to toggle all messages from friends and other players but can we like have a specific player block.. Such as /msgblock <username>? Cause I think that would be useful for disabling messages to specific people for the reason so I can still message my friends or people who aren't even spamming my messages or being rude in messages.

I would also like for there to be a command to disable certain people trying to /tpa to me because some people abuse the hell out of it and spam the entire chat and It's really annoying. Zainos said there was a /tpatoggle or whatever he said but when I typed it in it said I didn't have access to it.

Moral of this whole post is can we have a specific player blocking system? Instead of everyone gets blocked by 1 command?


Zainos himself said an ignore function will not be added.

And try /tptoggle instead of /tpatoggle