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Skyblock Spawner Recipe


Well-Known Member
I came up with the idea that you could craft spawners in skyblock, but the recipe would be very diffuclt. In the example below, that would be the recipe for a zombie spawner. You could also make different spawners with different heads. So if I wanted a creeper spawner I would do the same recipe except with a creeper head instead. All spawners would spawn what was in the middle of the grid. The only exception is for a steve head, That one would spawn villagers instead of mobs. If you have any question just reply cause this may be a bit confusing. Enjoy:)



Trusted Member
Nah, you should have to make a mob grinder. And if this was added there'd be too much stuff and prices in the shop would have to go up.
Also you'd only be able to get: Creeper, Skeleton, Witherskeleton, Zombie, Villager. And the villager is too op, same with Witherskeleton.


Well-Known Member
Nah, you should have to make a mob grinder. And if this was added there'd be too much stuff and prices in the shop would have to go up.
Also you'd only be able to get: Creeper, Skeleton, Witherskeleton, Zombie, Villager. And the villager is too op, same with Witherskeleton.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you saying it is to OP. It is very hard to get heads. I believe it is a 0.5 percent that a mob will drop its head when killed. So they would be very diffuclt to craft, making them less OP. Also maybe Zainos could make it so they spawn less from a spawner.:)


Trusted Member
I'm gonna have to disagree with you saying it is to OP. It is very hard to get heads. I believe it is a 0.5 percent that a mob will drop its head when killed. So they would be very diffuclt to craft, making them less OP. Also maybe Zainos could make it so they spawn less from a spawner.:)
Nope. It is op. 100% chance of actually getting it to drop it's head in a certain condition. And witherskeleton's are really easy. They drop their head just from being killed!
Get a charged creeper, make it blow up a zombie and you have the head


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
I'm Sorry, monster Spawners in Sky Block are too op, you will have to make a Mob Grinder. Plus, you can't get Steve heads in Minecraft, and the ONLY way to get Creeper, Zombie and Skeleton heads is by having a Charged creeper to kill them, what is almost impossible as Charged creepers don't spawn in islands, a lightning needs to strike them...