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Someone tell me what "No Advertising" means please


Trusted Member
Well there's a rule "No Advertising", it says
"Do not advertise any websites/links that are not related to HHGN. Do not advertise other Minecraft servers at any point. If you’re caught advertising another Minecraft server or mention an IP, this will result in a PERM BAN."

I don't really get that part "Do not advertise any websites/links that are not related to HHGN."

We are allowed to send YouTube links (or not?)

But when I tried to send a DailyMotion link it blocked it and muted me for 5 minutes.

Those are both video platforms, why I can send links of one but not the other?

Also, are YouTube links allowed? Because if it's not allowed then maybe it's a bug or somethin'? All I ever sent was the shop tutorial on Skyblock that I made anyways, I believe that's allowed right?

Thanks to whoever answers ^.^


Retired Staff
You can send YouTube links through chat as long as its not advertising another server and it is appropriate.
Some links are automatically banned and will get you muted which staff are trying to fix.