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--=[Some Staff Suggestions]=--


Active Member
Hey, Wizz here! I'm not suggesting anyone to get staff. I'm thinking that some people should be staff in a certain area, e.g. there could be [HGMod] and that person could be Mod in ONLY the HG area so they would stick more around there and pay attention there and if the general staff like [Mod] and [Admin] wouldn't have to go to the HG much because there is a [HGMod] there. This could decrease the hacking, spamming, and profanity rates if people are assigned to certain areas.


Active Member
I don't know if this has already been suggested but, maybe you could have some forum mods/admins that have permissions to delete posts if it has advertising in it or swearing. Also, you could have a forum helper and if people have trouble with anything the forum helpers could direct them to what to do.