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SCBB Some kit buffs that everyone wants


Buff 1: wither. Wither is a very weak kit and we all know that, but it deserves more. Wither is one of the strongest mobs in Minecraft, but in Scbb, it's a trash kit. The wither doesn't deserve this. To make it as O.P. as it should be, when the bow is fully charged, it should fire the all powerful blue skull that does twice the damage of a normal black skull. You can fire a black skull if the bow isn't completely charged. Also, to make use of the withers hidden abilities, it should regenerate at least 1 point of health when it inflicts the wither effect on a player.


Active Member
I never use that kit but I've played against really good withers. But you have to know to play well with it (btw I'm awful at wither and pvp in general)
But I agree the wither deserves more since it's one of the bosses. Though if they nerf it then it might be a VIP kit or gem kit


Trusted Member
I never use that kit but I've played against really good withers. But you have to know to play well with it (btw I'm awful at wither and pvp in general)
But I agree the wither deserves more since it's one of the bosses. Though if they nerf it then it might be a VIP kit or gem kit
There's like no such thing as a really good wither unless they hack (railgun). You can't bowspam with it, so you need to pull back completely. No melee so you can't close range hit people. The attack does low damage, and moves really slow. Then you have potions that only do half a heart of damage.