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Gamemode Smp

Should This Be Added

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Active Member
I wish people would would stop saying "it's just factions with no pvp" there are some people who DONT WANT GREIFING AND PVP, because it messes up their progress. Some people just want a game mode to relax and play REGULAR MC. It's absolutely nothing like factions. Youractually surviving and building up your base peacefully and co-oping with other players with no set backs. In factions you only survive for about the first week of playing then it's all about raiding and money. They aren't similar at all. And again in my opinion factions is over rated and nothing is "to much like factions" it is its own thing.
I know that people want no griefing/pvp and I'm one of those people and I would love to have it on the server but it seems to add something like that would take a lot time and money to implement when it's very similar to factions.
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