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Fixed Running Glitch

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Active Member
When u r playing Kits PvP and run u turn invis for a second or two and it's annoying cuz I am pvping someone and then they run and then I can't see them and I am like "Where they go" and then a couple seconds later I see them appear and it's happening to many peeps and it's annoying, Pls Fix This.

-HHG Lover
Thanks :D


Trusted Member
Are you using a graphics engine besides the default? When I use VBOs for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860m it hides everything behind a block. Sometimes it glitches out but it's very rare. Depending on your graphics card, it might happen more or not at all


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
People randomly disappear from his graphics card.
Well that never happened to me...
Please record a video to see an example because I'm sure it's your computer rather than a server problem...


Trusted Member
Well that never happened to me...
Please record a video to see an example because I'm sure it's your computer rather than a server problem...
I don't have it often. But I'll try to record a rare case of it.
EDIT: Apparently vbos got turned off... It only happens when vbos of your graphics card is on
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