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Creative Rp chat idea


When I am talking using RP chat, there are times I want to say one thing in global chat then go right back to rp mode. Or in global chat want to say one thing in rp then go back to global chat.

I would like so /rp toggles your chat mode if there is nothing after it; but, if you have a message after it, like "/rp Hi" it will say the message in whichever chat you are not currently using.

So if you were in the global chat mode and typed "/rp Hi Trenly" it would send the message "Hi Trenly" to rp chat.

If you were in RP chat mode and typed "/rp Hi Trenly" it would send the message "Hi Trenly" to global chat.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
it would be very confusing to players :/ Just do /rp to switch off rp mode and say any message u wish in global chat OR walk to plot roads and say your message. Even with RP mode on, all messages said while standing in the plot roads (or admins world) isn't said in rp :)