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Gamemode Realm of the Mad God in Minecraft?

I have been thinking about this for a while now, but I think that the game Realm of the Mad God would be fun to incorporate into Minecraft! The rules are really simple: You start out with a kit, and you kill monsters and bosses in this big world to gain experience, along with a lot of other people who join your hub. You have HP and MP, which you regain gradually over time. You cap out at Level 20, and when you reach Level 15, you obtain the next kit. You have a melee weapon and a special ability that requires MP. Certain abilities and weapons can only be equipped by certain kits. If you kill monsters, then there is a chance for you gaining a weapon and special ability, along with potions to quickly heal your HP and MP. Once you kill all the bosses, and believe me, there are a lot, you get sent to the Lair of the Mad God, which is essentially the final boss of the game. Rather than explaining this, because it is pretty complicated, you may want to play it to understand the game.

According to the forum rules, you are not allowed to advertise servers and servers only in these forums, but I am assuming that it includes online games too? So maybe just Google Search it?


Well-Known Member
but why add it into minecraft if you can already play it for free? honestly i dont see the point and it would be a waste of coding.
#Factions First


but why add it into minecraft if you can already play it for free? honestly i dont see the point and it would be a waste of coding.
#Factions First
Hypocrite. Why add it to this server if there is something similar on a different server? Same concept, different principles.

Anyways, back to the thread. I agree with ParadoxTaco, it doesn't need to be added but I think it could be cool. And as always, #FactionsFirst


Well-Known Member
Hypocrite. Why add it to this server if there is something similar on a different server? Same concept, different principles.

Anyways, back to the thread. I agree with ParadoxTaco, it doesn't need to be added but I think it could be cool. And as always, #FactionsFirst
Yeah sorry.... that was a little bit harsh. Im just saying that there are more important things that need working on and the coding would take tons of time to make all the diffrent "mobs" and "bosses" with special attacks but i would play it if it was added.


Trusted Member
Like I'm always doing... I have to find a similar game (lel)

It's KINDA like mob arena.. Where you have to kill mobs to get to a higher level too ;p.

But I like the idea
