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PLZ MOD ShadowBladex144 AGAIN


New Member
Shadow Has Done Alot For This Server like saving it when it needed money, giving you hg map and minigame ideas, He has donated alot of money to this server he has supported you Zainos when you needed help and has some subs on youtube been going on this server for years he diserves it!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

rayado56 and RiceMaster2000 agree plz give him another chance zainos


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Hanumonman28 said:
Shadow Has Done Alot For This Server like saving it when it needed money, giving you hg map and minigame ideas, He has donated alot of money to this server he has supported you Zainos when you needed help and has some subs on youtube been going on this server for years he diserves it!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

rayado56 and RiceMaster2000 agree plz give him another chance zainos
1- Golden is right
2- Shadow isn't very active in the server.
3- You MUST be Jr.Mod and apply for moderator in order to be moderator of the server (He is a Game Maker)


New Member
ik golden is right and shadow isnt very active because he misses being mod and helping u with stuff like on the old server and he has donated at least $80 bucks to the server


200315844 said:
I'm a Jr.mod ( hint. Hint)
Once again, basically asking for mod. If zain wanted to give you mod status he would've done something by now. Just because you're 9, you play 9 hours a day, and your parents bought you a rank doesn't mean you deserve to be a mod.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
itzmenick said:
200315844 said:
I'm a Jr.mod ( hint. Hint)
Once again, basically asking for mod. If zain wanted to give you mod status he would've done something by now. Just because you're 9, you play 9 hours a day, and your parents bought you a rank doesn't mean you deserve to be a mod.
Dont be rude please