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Global Party Chat


Retired Staff
Corndawg made the suggestion of a party chat, I just expanded on this further, as he didn't go in detail of the commands, etc.

Player Commands:
/p - All Party chat Commands
/p create/new (name) - Creates a party with a set name. (Names could be removed.)
/p delete - Deletes the current party, if you own it. ( You would need to type /p confirm to confirm this.)
/p invite (player) - Invites a player to the party.
/p remove (player) - Removes player from the party.
/p join - Joins the party leaders server.
/p list - List current parties you are in. (If you can be in multiple parties, which would be sweet.)
/p players list - List current players in said parties.
/p chat toggle - Toggles the party chat, so you can speak in the chat.
/p invitetoggle - Toggles invites to show in chat. Great for staff members who get spammed as it is :D


Staff Commands:
/p spy toggle - Toggles Party Spy.
/p disband (partyname) (reason) - Disbands said party with said reason, shows the players that were in the party the reason why it was disbanded.
/p intrude (partyname) - Adds themselves to said party.
/p createban (player) (time) - Temporarily bans a player from making parties. (No set time is perm.)
/p joinban (player) (time) - Temporarily bans a player from joining parties. (No set time is perm.)


What It Would Look Like:
Let Me Show You :D
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Retired Staff
Isn't this kind of like a mini version of /friend?
Sort of... this is like /f bmsg except only the people that you add and they join to the party can see your messages. Other than that it doesn't have much to do with /f