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Nyan Cat= Teh Iloominatry


Active Member
I sa a Ved of nyen cet dencin and sed dis

Deer vewwers
dis vid is illoominarti

looc i can prooov it

24+24=48 mynus 48 bye 40=8!!! bere with me mynus 8bye 4=3!!!!!!!!
gess wat is nextr? gess how meny side dere r 2 a tryngle...3!! I SED TREE OMG

dis makur is the makur of a utub acont so it show he gud at manaegeng thngs so den he must b iloominati makur!!!!!!

He also hafs 16 subs so den mynes bye 13=3
I JENEUS!!! i ned 2 becume a sientist i fund da illumintri dud he da makur guys makur right here

lele neun cat 2 ionic le hes gunna gut band on utub so he cryes nd looses ILLORMINAIT!!!!

YE U GUYS LUV ME I SAV DAD WURLDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!