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Survival Games New Grace Period Idea


Retired Staff
I have been noticing that death match has been starting very early, this is due to people buying stuff at the beginning of the games and killing everybody in sight at spawn, I have also seen this happen with tnt! This thread is not about why the item shop before games should be deleted, but I think it would be best if their was a five or ten second grace period. If you watch enough games or play enough games you should see the unfair advantages other have when at spawn and kill everybody without giving them any chance to defend them selves. I have seen this all day today and it was making me question whether their should be a grace period or not. So when I saw this start happening to me I said to my self, "Well do not like this happening to me so I would expect other to no like this happening to them." This is why I believe there should be a grace period for either five or ten seconds for survival games, and I trust you, their will be a huge jump to more fair advantages because of this!


Well-Known Member
I kinda of like this idea. I get targeted off spawn a lot and it's annoying. A grace period would be nice, and the tnting of spawn is really annoying.