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My New Pet And Stalker


Active Member
So, I can't have a pet in real life, which depresses me. After all, I want to study animals as a profession, so why shouldn't I start early with a pet of my own? Of course, my dad had some traumatic experiences with dogs, so they're out of the question. Somehow, cats and all other animals (besides fish, but both of my fish died of tragic and funny accidents) were included in this rule.

My first fish (Flair) was killed by my dad by accident. He accidentally cracked the bowl, which let out needed oxygen that killed Flair. R.I.P. fish.

My last fish (Harry Potter, don't ask) defecated too much. I fed him the needed amount of fish food, but we needed to clean the tank too much anyway, because he left too much waste in the water. Harry Potter drowned in its own waste eventually.

So, I got a pet in a weird and unusual way. Meet.... Snuffles!

Also, I got a stalker today, thanks to the Dalek Mod (it operates in 1.6.4.)! Her name is Clara and she is really unusual. She kept on following me until I punched her and Snuffles killed her in response. Also, that weird guy was stalking Clara, so Snuffles and I killed him. I wondered if she could talk, but she never did.

On a side note, don't I look spiffy in my new scarf and hat? I borrowed them from a few Doctors (I hope they don't mind).


Gracie the Witch