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My HHG story (Get ready for a long, long read)


Retired Staff
Alright, since so many people are doing this now, I thought I would do it too, so here we go.

I first found the server on a suggested server list in November 2013, the list I have no idea, but it was on there, so yeah. When I first logged onto the server I actually thought it was purely a hunger games server (Due to the name) so I went onto one of the hunger games maps (Yes, they were done in maps that you joined back then, no vote system or lobbies) and played a game, and won it, quite easily to be honest, this was the time where barely anyone knew how to fight well, and I did, so I was one of if not the strongest pvper on at least the SG section of HHG.

I continued this for a good 3 months, not making any friends and never teaming with anyone. I didn't care too much about my stats or anything as they actually didn't really exist for one thing back then, that is, until the server updated it's SG to the system we know today, then things became a competition. Now I don't want to sound like the SG system on getting up the leaderboards is bad, but back when you got points for killing people and winning SG's and losing points for dying, it was much more based on how good a player was at SG than how much time a person spends playing SG. I however back then was also very... Competitive to say the least, I was also quite rude to people in honesty lol. From that I did make quite a few enemies on HHG, and played as before as a soul solo player, never teaming with anyone. I got pretty far up the leaderboards at one point, reaching 2nd place, but as I continued playing, things eventually started to get boring, and as a result, I started losing more and going further down the leaderboards. I stopped playing HHG for a little while after that, taking about a month off, and when I returned I really didn't feel like playing SG anymore on here and decided to look further into the server for other things to do, and since I was always a pvper and had played on many pvp servers before, I decided to join pvp when I found it and see what it was like, little did I know I would be permanently hooked to it after that.

When I first joined pvp it seemed, well, ok I guess. The problem I had at first was with the people I was fighting against, because as warrior and archer back in the old pvp days where very weak compared to now, I struggled to kill anyone, and because I had no teammates back then, it was hard to kill anyone that wasn't another warrior, a mage or a spy. It was only when I found out after about a month of playing on pvp that you could buy kits that were a one time use using the kills you got, I first bought Herobrine as it was quite a pricey kit, and then I was in business. The first time I used Herobrine, I slayed everyone on the map. I managed to get a killstreak of over 120, destroying everyone in my path and winning the respect of many. The first friend I made on pvp was a peacekeeper and what would become a staff member, Stevessosson (A few other examples of his names as he's changed so much are SubZeroEclipse, Devioussi, Xillence, NimbleEnigma, and most recently Euphoriance), after that I made many other friends such as WaraxeManiac (More recently Xist_) CarrawayTristan (Later known as WR3KED, ureaszy, GodlyDiety and Infinite_, and would become the strongest pvper on the server, but that comes later) Slay3r126 (More recently iiNeon_x) ExtremeGamer709 (Unitus) and after a while the king of pvp at that time a_dying_cat. After buying my first rank on the server as Member and shortly after Tribute, I worked my way up to the top set of pvpers on the server. After that however things started becoming a bit more serious on pvp, with people striving to become what was known as the best pvper, and I was one of those perusing it.

I battled many of those who claimed to be the best, losing at first to some but gradually working my way up to the top and claiming myself the strongest pvper on HHG pvp. It was however a title I shortly kept, as what would become a builder on HHG Saword joined, and showed everyone including me who was the top of pvp, for a while he held this position, only teaming with a select few from the server (Me being one of those lucky people). Things I have to say then where probably at the best HHG has ever been to me, sure some things are better now but back then, there where no downsides, and I must say there are a few now. It was always busy on pvp and the people in the pvp community all respected eacthother, maybe with a few exceptions, but it was all kept friendly and the system of pvp itself I must say, was better then than it is now, personally. Sure some of the great people of HHG weren't there that are now, but the server as a whole was in my opinion better. Another few months went by with me doing the same things as before pretty much, getting Sponser rank in those few months as well and joining the HHG website. However after a while I later discovered that the server was looking for staff, and they had finally lifted the policy before of mockingjays only being able to get into staff. So, I fancied it, and had a go for staff.

The first time I tried applying for staff was unsuccessful, so after waiting a while for the server to be looking once again for staff, I applied again, this time taking more time on my appliance letter, and amazingly even after just coming off a mute which I did say in honesty to Chris in the interview, I actually managed to get it. Some people weren't very happy with me getting staff, but others were very happy for me, and I know myself that I was extremely happy with it. Over the next 5 or so months I spent a lot of my time on parkour, moderating the chat and going to pvp if I needed a break or if I needed to catch a hacker on the server, and made a name for myself as being the hacker catcher, as I had learnt about hacks before becoming a staff, and am still very knowledgeable in them. I also was very disliked on the creative server, I have no idea why, but I was so, yeah. It was fun for those first 5 months, I had a good time, but then for the next few months I remained staff, I started to find it boring. Things just didn't seem the same, and I found that I was more coming on for it being a duty rather than being fun. I carried on for 2 and a half more months, thinking that things would get better, but as it only seemed to get more boring than before, friends wanting me to leave staff so I could play with them more and some other things (That I won't go into) I decided to leave staff.

After leaving staff I went back to what I did beforehand and what I did best in MC, pvp. I once again wanted to become the strongest on the server, but unfortunately my friend WR3KED was always stronger, I simply couldn't beat him, I rivalled many other such as Quasisollen, Zeronite and _Link and was level with them, sometimes losing to them and sometimes beating them. I carried on with that for a couple of months, having fun and then getting into a relationship with someone on the server, lasting 5 1/2 months before things went, well bad (People probably already know what happened, but lets just leave that out ay). I also found that all of my old friends well, dissapeared really, so after that and not in the best place of mind I left the server for about a month, only really talking to my close friend Ida_0611 outside the server, in which I've also explained what she did for me and other things so I won't go over that again. Once I had got over what had happened to me and was generally feeling better from what had happened with my loss, I returned to HHG, and in honesty things haven't really changed since then, I've made some new good friends like Georgie and MissDark, but things aren't really that different.

So that's pretty much my HHG life story and what happened over the years, because I'm coming up to being on the server for 3 years now actually. What has happened since June which is pretty much where I stopped hasn't really changed since. So yeah, hope you all didn't get bored out of your mind reading this because it's so damn long, if you actually made it to the end of it lol, but there you go.
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Alright, since so many people are doing this now, I thought I would do it too, so here we go.

I first found the server on a suggested server list in November 2013, the list I have no idea, but it was on there, so yeah. When I first logged onto the server I actually thought it was purely a hunger games server (Due to the name) so I went onto one of the hunger games maps (Yes, they were done in maps that you joined back then, no vote system or lobbies) and played a game, and won it, quite easily to be honest, this was the time where barely anyone knew how to fight well, and I did, so I was one of if not the strongest pvper on at least the SG section of HHG.

I continued this for a good 3 months, not making any friends and never teaming with anyone. I didn't care too much about my stats or anything as they actually didn't really exist for one thing back then, that is, until the server updated it's SG to the system we know today, then things became a competition. Now I don't want to sound like the SG system on getting up the leaderboards is bad, but back when you got points for killing people and winning SG's and losing points for dying, it was much more based on how good a player was at SG than how much time a person spends playing SG. I however back then was also very... Competitive to say the least, I was also quite rude to people in honesty lol. From that I did make quite a few enemies on HHG, and played as before as a soul solo player, never teaming with anyone. I got pretty far up the leaderboards at one point, reaching 2nd place, but as I continued playing, things eventually started to get boring, and as a result, I started losing more and going further down the leaderboards. I stopped playing HHG for a little while after that, taking about a month off, and when I returned I really didn't feel like playing SG anymore on here and decided to look further into the server for other things to do, and since I was always a pvper and had played on many pvp servers before, I decided to join pvp when I found it and see what it was like, little did I know I would be permanently hooked to it after that.

When I first joined pvp it seemed, well, ok I guess. The problem I had at first was with the people I was fighting against, because as warrior and archer back in the old pvp days where very weak compared to now, I struggled to kill anyone, and because I had no teammates back then, it was hard to kill anyone that wasn't another warrior, a mage or a spy. It was only when I found out after about a month of playing on pvp that you could buy kits that were a one time use using the kills you got, I first bought Herobrine as it was quite a pricey kit, and then I was in business. The first time I used Herobrine, I slayed everyone on the map. I managed to get a killstreak of over 120, destroying everyone in my path and winning the respect of many. The first friend I made on pvp was a peacekeeper and what would become a staff member, Stevessosson (A few other examples of his names as he's changed so much are SubZeroEclipse, Devioussi, Xillence, NimbleEnigma, and most recently Euphoriance), after that I made many other friends such as WaraxeManiac (More recently Xist_) CarrawayTristan (Later known as WR3KED, ureaszy, GodlyDiety and Infinite_, and would become the strongest pvper on the server, but that comes later) Slay3r126 (More recently iiNeon_x) ExtremeGamer709 (Unitus) and after a while the king of pvp at that time a_dying_cat. After buying my first rank on the server as Member and shortly after Tribute, I worked my way up to the top set of pvpers on the server. After that however things started becoming a bit more serious on pvp, with people striving to become what was known as the best pvper, and I was one of those perusing it.

I battled many of those who claimed to be the best, losing at first to some but gradually working my way up to the top and claiming myself the strongest pvper on HHG pvp. It was however a title I shortly kept, as what would become a builder on HHG Saword joined, and showed everyone including me who was the top of pvp, for a while he held this position, only teaming with a select few from the server (Me being one of those lucky people). Things I have to say then where probably at the best HHG has ever been to me, sure some things are better now but back then, there where no downsides, and I must say there are a few now. It was always busy on pvp and the people in the pvp community all respected eacthother, maybe with a few exceptions, but it was all kept friendly and the system of pvp itself I must say, was better then than it is now, personally. Sure some of the great people of HHG weren't there that are now, but the server as a whole was in my opinion better. Another few months went by with me doing the same things as before pretty much, getting Sponser rank in those few months as well and joining the HHG website. However after a while I later discovered that the server was looking for staff, and they had finally lifted the policy before of mockingjays only being able to get into staff. So, I fancied it, and had a go for staff.

The first time I tried applying for staff was unsuccessful, so after waiting a while for the server to be looking once again for staff, I applied again, this time taking more time on my appliance letter, and amazingly even after just coming off a mute which I did say in honesty to Chris in the interview, I actually managed to get it. Some people weren't very happy with me getting staff, but others were very happy for me, and I know myself that I was extremely happy with it. Over the next 5 or so months I spent a lot of my time on parkour, moderating the chat and going to pvp if I needed a break or if I needed to catch a hacker on the server, and made a name for myself as being the hacker catcher, as I had learnt about hacks before becoming a staff, and am still very knowledgeable in them. I also was very disliked on the creative server, I have no idea why, but I was so, yeah. It was fun for those first 5 months, I had a good time, but then for the next few months I remained staff, I started to find it boring. Things just didn't seem the same, and I found that I was more coming on for it being a duty rather than being fun. I carried on for 2 and a half more months, thinking that things would get better, but as it only seemed to get more boring than before, friends wanting me to leave staff so I could play with them more and some other things (That I won't go into) I decided to leave staff.

After leaving staff I went back to what I did beforehand and what I did best in MC, pvp. I once again wanted to become the strongest on the server, but unfortunately my friend WR3KED was always stronger, I simply couldn't beat him, I rivalled many other such as Quasisollen, Zeronite and _Link and was level with them, sometimes losing to them and sometimes beating them. I carried on with that for a couple of months, having fun and then getting into a relationship with someone on the server, lasting 5 1/2 months before things went, well bad (People probably already know what happened, but lets just leave that out ay). I also found that all of my old friends well, dissapeared really, so after that and not in the best place of mind I left the server for about a month, only really talking to Ida_0611 outside the server, in which I've also explained what she did for me and other things so I won't go over that again. Once I had got over what had happened to me and was generally feeling better from what had happened with my loss, I returned to HHG, and in honesty things haven't really changed since then, I've made some new friends, but things aren't really that different.

So that's pretty much my HHG life story and what happened over the years, because I'm coming up to being on the server for 3 years now actually. What has happened since June which is pretty much where I stopped hasn't really changed since. So yeah, hope you all didn't get bored out of your mind reading this because it's so damn long, if you actually made it to the end of it lol, but there you go.
Do you still play on here?