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Active Member
So, I've decided to make a clan called MLGNation (a nation of mlg's) and down below I'll tell you who is staff in it and how you can join. And to apply ,PM me the stuff I tell you to do, just in case your are bad, and no one makes fun of you. And if you get declined don't think you are bad, because you have to be PRETTY good.

Steps to join:
1.Tell me your total kills and total deaths.
2.Tell me your highest kill streak.
3.Don't use nooby kits(much) such as: oitc, op, ect, ect. (Yeah, you can use it, but not all the time.)
4.DON'T HACK!!!!!!!!

5.1v1 me (3 times) and you at least have to win 2 times.

Mod: cinder888
Mod: Oudey2010
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Active Member
I would love to join but
1. I am banned
2. hani72 doesn't very much like me
3. I haven't talked to TNTcinder in a while, and I haven't really talked to you Faze
And lastly, because I am banned, I cannot check my kills stats and that stuff