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Minecraft Data Usage


Active Member
My internet in the area I live is limited. I have a certain amount of data I am able to use.

I was wondering how much data does Minecraft multiplayer use in general? I know there are some factors that influence that dramatically. I am honestly not a fan of using texture packs and all, so if we had to estimate an amount for an hour player with no modifications or T packs, how much data would that be?

Servers can depend too, so if I take this server as a test. Playing for an hour will use how much data? What's the best estimation possible?


Trusted Member
Okay... I played SCBB (on this server) for 11 minutes and used about 6.85MB of download and about 3.12MB of upload. So for an hour that'd be about 37.4MB of download and 17.0MB of upload.
NOTE: I tried closing all programs that use internet, but Windows uses internet so some of that was probably non-minecraft.