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Website List of Maps


Well-Known Member
The title is pretty much self-explanitory, I think we should have a “List of Maps” page (or even thread), for the community to read through. Basically a picture of all the maps in HHG, their names, seperate titles for different gamemodes and their creators, (details if available). This would give players who want to make a map for the server and idea about what to and what not to make.

I don’t know if one of these threads were made yet, but I think it would be a good idea for helping the community (even though it’s tiny).
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Build Team Leader
Build Team Leader
I completely agree, I feel sometimes Maps are just there for players to play on (which is fair) but I feel not many people actually take in what has actually been put into the Map itself from whoever built it.
(It would be a lot easier to find out who built what as well as sometimes I can never find out.)


Well-Known Member
I think this is a great idea because these maps get talked about a lot on forums and the server, and it would give people and idea of what people are talking about.