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Gamemode Left 4 block

Should it be added?

  • Yeah

  • Yes, when finished

  • Mabye, not until more is added

  • Nope

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Well-Known Member
Left 4 block is a objectived based gamemode that based on left 4 dead and left 4 dead 2
For those that already know what left 4 dead is, there is no need to explain this to you. This gamemode is a co-op base game that without team work, you could all die. In this game there is a single team. The survivors. There goal is to go through a 4 level map (mostly city maps but there could be some special maps like questionable ethics) and on the last level you reach some sorta escape vehicle.
While you make your way through the levels there could be zombies around every corner. Zombies would have a custom player sight range and while come for you at 20 blocks away, 25 if your sprinting 40 if your shooting. Zombies will also have a barrier type thingy around them. This means they cannot be walked through and if you are swarmed you have a pretty high dead change. Zombies can also climb up 5 block high walls,crates or fence. You can also shove zombies back 3 blocks. You can use this every 2 seconds. Some level might have it so that there are areas where you have to lower a bridge or call an elevator. During these areas zombies will spawn 3x faster and there sight range is amplified to 50. To progress to level 2-4 you must find the safe house door (iron door)
Thats all for now :D anymore ideas to enprove the unfinished game? Post them down below


Trusted Member
These gamemode suggestions are getting really boring to read now because a lot of them are just copies from other servers. Some of the suggestions you have listed are the exact same without a single thing changed. But yeah #FactionsFirst


Well-Known Member
These gamemode suggestions are getting really boring to read now because a lot of them are just copies from other servers. Some of the suggestions you have listed are the exact same without a single thing changed. But yeah #FactionsFirst
Wait a server already has a game just like this?


Trusted Member
All these gamemode suggestions are getting kinda boring. I can guarantee that none of these are going to get added, lucky if only 1 does tbh :p