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SCBB Kit Ghast!


Active Member
As many of you know, kit ghast is just bad. It's bow is borderline useless, as other players can just left click and deflect the shots. The melee is very bad too. I don't think I've ever seen another player use ghast besides myself. I feel like it would be better if the bow was more accurate and made bigger explosions. Maybe the melee could also have sharpness III instead of sharpness I. Thanks!

EDIT: I just did a test with ghast. Its melee does half a heart. Its bow, when used at full power and fired directly at somebody, only does 1 and a half hearts. Thanks for helping me SAFollis!
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As many of you know, kit ghast is just bad. It's bow is borderline useless, as other players can just left click and deflect the shots. The melee is very bad too. I don't think I've ever seen another player use ghast besides myself. I feel like it would be better if the bow was more accurate and made bigger explosions. Maybe the melee could also have sharpness III instead of sharpness I. Thanks!

EDIT: I just did a test with ghast. It's melee does half a heart. Its bow, when used at full power and fired directly at somebody, only does 1 and a half hearts. Thanks for helping me SAFollis!
I miss SCBBv1 ghast class. I believe the bow shot arrows that exploded, and the bow had power two and flame 1. The ghast tear (melee weapon) I believe had sharpness 2, knockback 1.