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Active Member
If a jrmod disgused as a difrent jrmod or higer rank they could get them bannd for spamming as wel as a lod of diffrent resons.
I recomentd that you take that power from Jrmod.
Sorry if things are misspled im not from a english country.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
No, because if you see, disguised jr mods have WHITE names, while jr mods have rainbow names. If you see a jr mod with a white name, it means its disguised. That is what we use to know who is disugised and who isnt :p


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
ray you can have a white name as you have [Mod] prefix so we would know if a jr mod mod is diguised as you because it would say Jr mod :3
And Epic, Jr mods know clearly the rules: I dont think that they would do something like that because they know that they will be banned for doing it and throwing $100 to the trash bin isnt a good idea :)