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Active Member
Hello everyone! My name is _Radique_oo7 however most people refer me as Rad. Ive been playing this server for about 4 years I believe so but honestly it sounds like a lie since half of the server doesnt know who I am. I use to be a Moderator on the server but resigned due to personally reasons. I dearly love this server, its my first every minecraft server I have ever joined, and ill continue to play it till the end. Im 18 years old almost graduated from Highschool, super awesome, and a close friend with the legend Zainos. I dont speak very much to others, kinda shy and unsociable at some points however ill talk here and there. I mostly play Creative or Skyblock so if you see my say HI :) it will make me super happy. I have a ps4 and ps3 so if anyone wants to play Ops II and III give me a haler! Im currently signing up for college hopefully getting able to learn the arts of PhotoShop and Graphic design to learn Animation so I can work at Walt Disney Animation Studios! As a youngling my desired dream was to create and work for Disney. I love to watch movies, play video games, hang out with friends, and eat. My favorite movie is "Fox and the Hound", my favorite game is "Minecraft", my favorite friend "My Brother" and my favorite food "Enchiladas with red sauce plus rice and beans". Thanks for reading! Please if you see me dont be afraid to say hi I dont bite :)


Trusted Member
Hello everyone! My name is _Radique_oo7 however most people refer me as Rad. Ive been playing this server for about 4 years I believe so but honestly it sounds like a lie since half of the server doesnt know who I am. I use to be a Moderator on the server but resigned due to personally reasons. I dearly love this server, its my first every minecraft server I have ever joined, and ill continue to play it till the end. Im 18 years old almost graduated from Highschool, super awesome, and a close friend with the legend Zainos. I dont speak very much to others, kinda shy and unsociable at some points however ill talk here and there. I mostly play Creative or Skyblock so if you see my say HI :) it will make me super happy. I have a ps4 and ps3 so if anyone wants to play Ops II and III give me a haler! Im currently signing up for college hopefully getting able to learn the arts of PhotoShop and Graphic design to learn Animation so I can work at Walt Disney Animation Studios! As a youngling my desired dream was to create and work for Disney. I love to watch movies, play video games, hang out with friends, and eat. My favorite movie is "Fox and the Hound", my favorite game is "Minecraft", my favorite friend "My Brother" and my favorite food "Enchiladas with red sauce plus rice and beans". Thanks for reading! Please if you see me dont be afraid to say hi I dont bite :)
Hey nice to meet you! My "name" is QuartzyTheCat but everyone calls me Quartz my friends call me Quartzy because strangers usually don't realize that y in my name lol. Well I'm on Skyblock literally all the time. I just changed my name to Quartzy just because people call me quartz and I will be changing it back to QuartzyTheCat on April 17th :)


Retired Staff
Hello everyone! My name is _Radique_oo7 however most people refer me as Rad. Ive been playing this server for about 4 years I believe so but honestly it sounds like a lie since half of the server doesnt know who I am. I use to be a Moderator on the server but resigned due to personally reasons. I dearly love this server, its my first every minecraft server I have ever joined, and ill continue to play it till the end. Im 18 years old almost graduated from Highschool, super awesome, and a close friend with the legend Zainos. I dont speak very much to others, kinda shy and unsociable at some points however ill talk here and there. I mostly play Creative or Skyblock so if you see my say HI :) it will make me super happy. I have a ps4 and ps3 so if anyone wants to play Ops II and III give me a haler! Im currently signing up for college hopefully getting able to learn the arts of PhotoShop and Graphic design to learn Animation so I can work at Walt Disney Animation Studios! As a youngling my desired dream was to create and work for Disney. I love to watch movies, play video games, hang out with friends, and eat. My favorite movie is "Fox and the Hound", my favorite game is "Minecraft", my favorite friend "My Brother" and my favorite food "Enchiladas with red sauce plus rice and beans". Thanks for reading! Please if you see me dont be afraid to say hi I dont bite :)
Holy poop you're back! Its been awhile man haha, definitely gotta catch up on HHG :)

That's awesome that you're learning animation (I can teach you some stuff about PS, you should join my artist Discord group! You could get lots of feedback from other animators and artists :) https://discord.gg/0ooXtHYOVjIXlRgp)