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Improvements Already


Build Team Leader
Build Team Leader
Hey! Just thought I’d like to show something I thought was shocking, just over 1 week in the Happy HG Build Team and I've already seen and felt a huge improvement in my builds!

Before Build Team:







Now in Build Team:



Obviously there aren’t as many screenshots for when I am in Build Team as it’s only been a week but I feel that those 2 are so much stronger than the rest before that (maybe with the exception of Blossom) ;).

But seriously, thank you so much to the HHG Build Team for giving me this opportunity! :D


I like to think I say this a lot, but in reality I don’t say it often enough. You don’t have to be a great builder to be on buildteam. Yes, you have to have some skill at building, but there are other things which make someone a good builder. First is perseverance. Many times, a map will not turn out how you want it to look, won’t be accepted, or you may not have the skills yet to make what you want to make. But a great builder will keep trying until they get it right, and they won’t stop after one or two attempts. Second is character. Great builders are always willing to help others when asked, will take constructive criticism and use it to better their builds, but also know when to admit that a map just won’t work or isn’t possible to make yet. Finally, and I believe this is the most important, a good builder learns but a great builder never stops learning. Good builders may start off only knowing how to make houses. But a good builder should be willing to learn new things, try new things, and not be afraid to fail. However, a great builder will always be looking to make themselves better by trying new styles, new tools, working with new people, always trying to learn how to be better at what they arent the best at.

When I look at build applications and build tests, skill is a large part of what is evaluated. However, the application and test also show a builders potential. I don’t expect tests or applications to be perfect, because everybody learns once they get to buildteam. We currently have a team of amazing builders, who work very well together and who are willing to help each other learn new things. I can’t say enough how thankful I am to each and every one of the builders for helping make buildteam what it is today.