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I'm cursed by "him."


Well-Known Member
When I got a total grief at my faction, I felt very sad. It was night, and creepers were everywhere. This faction, ShadowClaw, is now cursed forever. never to be built again. Why? Ever cine a mega TNT explosion grief from sgnick's team, something scary happened. The thing took my life. It was a "him" Zombie. Had clear white eyes. I was going to die. And I did. This wasn't just a ordinary Zombie. This wwas a posessed one. Posessed by "him." "him" roams this server, and will posess anything that can kill. And will end you, how he ended me.


  • 2014-02-23_17.34.03.png
    273.8 KB · Views: 538


Well-Known Member
Herobrine isn't a ghost, he's a glitch..

He may be using Optifine's "Better Grass" option.

The Zombie, a RARE glitch, it's not tracked, but it has happened to me in "vanilla" minecraft.

Basically, the eyes in the texture don't render correctly, thus causing them to be white.

I have seen this occur with zombies, skeletons, enderman (x2), pigs, and sheep.

It's highly rare, and just a small error.

(Does it mean "he" exists, no)

"Herobrine" is a hacked "human" entity, as most of the coding for it is removed, so if an error DOES occur where it spawns, it'll have white eyes, due to a 100% chance of the bug occuring, and it'll cause the "Generated Structures" to glitch. Thus creating, "Him", and the structures "he" creates.

Or it's not the bug, but just his texture pack :p

(And if it is the bug, just note, it will also have "super strength"!)


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am using Optifine, and it looks much better I have to admit, but after what you all said, I'm pretty sure this is a bug now because I haven't heard people say they would see Herobrine Zombies with Optifine.


Well-Known Member
It's not optifine, it's "vanilla" minecraft. a.k.a. Unmodded

But the chances are 1 in 100,000,000 :?


Well-Known Member
Despite the fact that his pic is a texture pack, I have seen completely white-eyed creatures in an unmodded MC Client. o_O

I just assume it's a bug, because nobody messes with my MC