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I resigned from staff, just so you all know.


Retired Staff
Yeah, bit unexpected I know, but here is the reason why I left staff for you all to know. I used to love being a staff member, and when I first got accepted, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had loads of fun, but recently over the last month or so, things have just became a chore rather than fun, so I thought it is better to move away from being staff before I come to the point where I don't want to play at all. To Zainos, Chris and the rest of the staff team, thanks for being great friends and helping me out, I had an amazing experience and it will stay with me all through MC. I would also like to give a shout out to XI_GodOfWar_IX, WR3CKED and more for helping me out with a lot of videos of hackers, and generally on top of that being great friends. I will see all you guys on the server, and possibly now target becoming one of the strongest pvpers on the server, so yeah, see you round. :)
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Trusted Member
You were a great staff, when I messaged you about hackers, you came on to the server the hacker was in and handled him. I know staff are supposed to do that, but many staff did not. But you did. Thank you for being a great staff member! :)


Retired Staff
You were one of my favorite staff Scorp, and I look forward to more fun on the server with you in the future. Thanks for being an amazing staff member! :D