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I got block-blocked in Skyblock.


New Member
A Little story, I wanted to expand my island in Skyblock.
after a successful prototype on Creative (see picture), I decided on building an Ellipse (flat circle), filled with slabs.

Unlike my prototype on Creative, I decided to make the size of the one in Skyblock a lot bigger.
So, after finding a template and doing the math to find out how many blocks I would need (see pictures), I got to work.


Well, here's what I DIDN'T know: There's a limit on how far you can build out from your island. So, half-way through building my ellipse, I got a message saying that I couldn't build any farther, so I just closed it off. (see pictures)


Well, I just wanted to share that with you guys; I hope you enjoyed, I guess.


New Member
Haha yeah I believe each island boundaries make up a 400 by 400 square. Sucks that you couldn't continue with the circle though.