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Has Pokemon go taken over the world?!


Active Member
I mean seriously..... People have been pulling in front of my house for the last like 5 days and my dad goes out there and there like there's a Pokemon in front of your house. My friend are like obsessed why?!?! 0-0
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Well-Known Member
Yes I am sorry :( many people have been asking me on happy hg to do a face reveal on forums.... I didn't want to show them my ugly face
Oh wow, and you change the title to avoid more people flaming on this post? Well aslong as they can see the original comment i made and know that this topic was ENTIRELY different.
Why are you being sorry? No need to.


Trusted Member
Yes I am sorry :( many people have been asking me on happy hg to do a face reveal on forums.... I didn't want to show them my ugly face
A lot of people have asked a lot of people for face reveals, if you don't wanna do one then don't do one.. It's better to not to one than lying.