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Faction's Diguises and /jump to OP?!


Well-Known Member
I've been on some Factions servers in the past and I've never seen one that has Diguises why? BECAUSE IT'S TO OP!
Factions is mostly about Building, raided, and PVP You can't PVP if people are flying around diguised AS PIGS AND BATS, It just doesn't go with Factions. I also think that /jump is to OP and you shouldn't even be able to fly in the first place but i'll let that go because it makes the server unique and I know it would be very hard for everyone to give it up, but Diguises? we haven't used it for months and I play Factions a lot, maybe one of the top persons who do and I haven't seen or remembered anyone saying
''when is diguising coming back?".

Why I think /Jump is to OP
I think ./jump is to OP because everytime I fight a Jr. Mod, good example Wotda, I get them down very low and they either do /jump or /spawn ( Since they don't have to wait 10 secounds -.- ) they get all cocky and say you suck blah blah blah and it just makes me pissed, like aleast do the command and shut your mouth, don't get all cocky and start talking **** ( Very Sorry for my language :/ ) How about adding a pvplog plugin? or making the command so they have to wait 5 minutes like we have to wait to do /feed :p and can you maybe give Sponsors /coords :D

Thanks for reading my Suggestion,
Have a nice day :D


Retired Staff
Indestructibuzz said:
I've been on some Factions servers in the past and I've never seen one that has Diguises why? BECAUSE IT'S TO OP!
Factions is mostly about Building, raided, and PVP You can't PVP if people are flying around diguised AS PIGS AND BATS, It just doesn't go with Factions. I also think that /jump is to OP and you shouldn't even be able to fly in the first place but i'll let that go because it makes the server unique and I know it would be very hard for everyone to give it up, but Diguises? we haven't used it for months and I play Factions a lot, maybe one of the top persons who do and I haven't seen or remembered anyone saying
''when is diguising coming back?".

Why I think /Jump is to OP
I think ./jump is to OP because everytime I fight a Jr. Mod, good example Wotda, I get them down very low and they either do /jump or /spawn ( Since they don't have to wait 10 secounds -.- ) they get all cocky and say you suck blah blah blah and it just makes me pissed, like aleast do the command and shut your mouth, don't get all cocky and start talking **** ( Very Sorry for my language :/ ) How about adding a pvplog plugin? or making the command so they have to wait 5 minutes like we have to wait to do /feed :p and can you maybe give Sponsors /coords :D

Thanks for reading my Suggestion,
Have a nice day :D
I highly recommend to get pvplog. It's just a pain in the arse to kill people doing /spawn or pvp log.