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Fixed Factions bug


Active Member
In Game Name: TelliniTello22
When do you discovered this Bug: March 8 2014
Explain what is the bug and how you repeat it: Sometimes when I'm playing factions and I take out a block, I randomly get sent to the server hub, this has happened to some people, I don't know if it's a bug but it happens to me.
Where is this bug Located / In which section?: Factions server

I hope this can get fixed if it is a bug. :D


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Does any error or message is displayed in the chat when this happens?
Thank u


Well-Known Member
Zainos, at my faction, BloodPack, me and Tellini would be working on it, while at somepoint I would directly go to spawn. It would not say anything on chat as well. Tellini posted this when I got sent to spawn from Factions, and he didn't know where I went and I said if he could post a topic about this. He said this happened to him as we'll. This is important Zainos. Please read this.