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Fixed Ender Pearl Issue


Active Member
Hey, I've noticed that endermen can warp to places that other classes can't get to. They can teleport to the huge dragon in the night dragon map, and the jet in the bombsite map. Other classes can't get there, so the endermen can wait until the other players are forced to leave. I think there might be a few other places like those two, but I don't remember them.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
I'll patch those two places, please if you find more tell me and I'll fix them too :D
Thanks for the report!


Trusted Member
I think there might be a few other places like those two, but I don't remember them.
One of the other places is in the Netheric Warrior map, where in one spot people with the enderman kit can teleport to the very top of the map, which I think is supposed to be a cloud of smoke above the arena