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Enable /color List On All Servers


Well-Known Member
You're standing in the middle of hub, and you need the color for…uh…blue? Yeah, blue. Unfortunately, you have to go all the way to factions to check the color list. This is pretty inconvenient, if you're in, say, an SG event. So.../color list for all servers pls?


Retired Staff
Then every server would need essentials. Which isn't needed in most servers. But maybe Zainos could use his coding magic and make a command showing all available colors.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Then every server would need essentials. Which isn't needed in most servers. But maybe Zainos could use his coding magic and make a command showing all available colors.
It's useless. ram waste. Once u get used to the colors, u'll know all colors codes by memory, like me. haha