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Kit PvP Duels (small) update


As any of you PvP regulars know there is a duel system where if you right click a player you can duel them with a kit of your choice as long a you both have it. There aren't many settings for the player's personal preference though so here are some ideas to make Duels a bit more "interesting".

Teams: A players choice on what color they want to be associated with while in the duel arena (their chat will appear in the color they choose to represent.)

Private chat:
While within the arena you can only see chat from player(s) on your team or your opponent(s) so that communication between players does not become an issue.

Map choice:
As you know once the duel is confirmed you are teleported to a random arena but the players should have the opportunity to choose which maps suite them the best one of the players choices is chosen randomly and that is the map they will play on.

Even though this is a small update idea I still wanted to put these ideas out because I feel like it could influence the way that PvP operates (In a positive way obviously). If you have any questions or concerns comment them and I'll try to reply to you with an explanation.



I dislike the color idea, it seems pointless


and the random maps make it a bit more fair imo. It makes it so that over many duels, you cannot always use terrain to your advantage. Not to mention that then you aren't always playing the same arena over and over again