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Well-Known Member
Okay, I am making this post because that one post about macs vs pcs is getting really annoying, so if your reading this consider yourself distracted. I am just going to keep on typing forever and ever, just so it will keep whoever is reading this distracted. Did you know that Leonardo Divincci actually invented the tank ? He also made sketches of 'flying machines' before he died. Did you know that there isn't 365 days in a year? No, actually there are 364.25 days in a year, so every four years we have one extra day! It is estimated that the average person spends 5 years of their life on the toilet. During WWII H!tler used Zeppelins to bomb England, and the way the kept the gas inside the Zeppelins was. . . Cow stomachs! Yes stomachs! They would overlay multiple cow stomachs on one another to make a container that kept the gas in! That year in Germany they killed so many cows that the production of sausages and other cow related products was halted. If every person on Earth painted the roof of their house white, it would be the equivalent of everyone not driving cars for 15 years. If you made a light source from your house to the moon, and stuck something, like you finger in front of it casting a shadow on the moon and wiggled your finger, the shadow of your finger on the moon's surface would technically be moving faster then the speed of light. Did you know that a sea creature named the Pistol Shrimp, has a very unique way of killing its prey. It has a larger claw than its other claw, and it squeezes bubbles out of it that are hotter than the surface of the sun, killing it's prey instantaneously. Well I will rant more when the other topic precedes this one, so yeah this was a lame distraction.


Well-Known Member
Okay so the other post bumped ahead of this one. DISTRACTION ACTIVATE!!!
So Adolf H!tler committed genocide to the Jews, strange this was H!tiler himself was a Jew!
Also SAFollis, your stupid, 364.25 days in a year, NOT 365.24!
The next distraction will be like way longer than this one :>
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"it is estimated that a person spends 5 years of their life on the toilet" What about people without butts? They are out there, ya know.


Active Member
This is me ranting on and also whats going on in my head... Might take a while to read XD

Apples are tasty right? There room temperature if you fresh pick them. They are warm and juicy and taste of apples, just like a apple should. They are round, like the roundest object in the world, a 1 kilo ball that defines a kilo, so if its weight changes, so does the weight of a kilo. Many things are one kilo, like meat and such. Meat, its delicious. I like rabbit, steak, ham, anything cow pretty much and almost an entire pig. Bacon is the best, but canadian bacon is better. Canada is the best place ever, and places in it are awesome. So many climates, just like arizona. I'm going to the grand canyon for april brake. April break is gonna be awesome, and the grand canyon is too. The grand canyon also has a glass bridge that I am planning to walk over. Its cool how a river alone carved the grand canyon in less then 1000 years. Years, we should all spend them wisely. The world is going to end in a few billion years when the sun dies, but we will be far gone by then. Aliens might take us out, or even a hybrid of ebola or a zombie apocalypse. Speaking of zombies, viruses. Super weapons! Objects of mass destruction like a black hole, the darkest thing in our universe. Also, a black hole is the lightest thing in the universe, its event horizon eventually becoming as bright as a sextillion candles. Candles are cool, and fun but not as fun as the wick they are made from. I like wicks, and strings and fuzes. The hiss of fuses reminds me of fireworks, like a M80, a quarter stick of dynamite. We blew one up in our street, and yes they are illegal, but we felt the shock 100 feet away, and it pushed us over. Shockwaves are just sound and fast displacement of gases trying to escape, sometimes travelling hundreds of miles. Like in the Tsar bomb, a fifty megaton bomb dropped on ??? blowing up a very large space and crater, but the shockwave was the most destructive. Some people think radiation is the worst, like how gamma rays created by Plutonium and objects in deep space like super and hyper novas, flowing through you right now. Light, travelling at 300 million metres a second, not the fastest thing in the world as einstein theorised. A shadow can move quicker, like if you project light on the moon and move your finger in front of the light, the shadow will travel across the moon in that split second it took you to move your finger, over 300 million metres a second. 300 million is also the amount of money Mojang made on minecraft by 2012. Just like how other games attract lots of interest although many people don't like them like Dota 2 and Crystal Saga. S, spelling suggestions as I correct the spelling errors here as i use google docs. Google docs is fairly good, but it depends if you are trying to do things professionally. Like professional game players, like youtubers like CaptainSparklez. Just like how i'm a pro at ranting on and on, and if i'm a pro - pro has 3 letters… 3 sides of a triangle… If i'm pro I must be illuminati! This explains so much, just like how there is a spider on a dollar bill and also the illuminati triangle! The illuminati rule us, do they? Do they rule our fires? Fires are cool, especially if you put ammonium nitrate and copper traces into it, it starts burning blue and green. Some flames naturally burn blue though, like certain gas torches that use hydrogen. Hydrogen is my favorite gas, you can make it in your back yard. I once wrote a paper for school explaining how Hydrogen is very useful. Burns hot, easy to make, cheap… and very flammable just like many glues. For some reason my head has no more abundances of ideas in it… This helped, these were all stuck in my head…


Well-Known Member
Okay! The other post popped up again! HERE WE GO, DISTRACTION, ACTIVATE!
Did you know that eels are one of the most coveted animals in Japan? Yes. In Japan they actually have a day dedicated to eels! Of course they eat eels, they don't worship them. Did you know that in China/Japan they have an ice cream flavor for Ink? Yeah, sounds very. . wholesome. Yeah I CAN come up with more random things, but it is like early and I don't feel like it. I also need to throw out the things I mentioned and allow older facts to surface so, I hope this distraction worked :3