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Fixed Creative


Active Member
In creative VIP plot world, I thought if I did /plotme biome {biome} dat it would change the stained clay to a different color, but it didn't. But what it did was make me invis for 1-2 minutes, and I don't get why this happens. And I won't tell any1 so no trolling happens...


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
/plotme biome only changes the Minecraft biome of the plot (grass and leaves color). If you want to change the stained clay blocks you will have to do it by hand. By the way, the "invisibility" you get when doing the command is a minor visual bug, but don't worry because u aren't invisible for everyone, just for you.


Active Member
Zainos, when I did dat 4IrHe4dxX was actually at my plot, and he couldn't see me he only saw blocks being placed.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
strange, that doesn't happens to me. Would you mind uploading a small video as an example of the bug?