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Skyblock Crafting Recipe Idea


Trusted Member
I think that since there's a custom crafting recipe for a jukebox, there should be one for music discs. I know that it is possible to get music discs from creepers, but in Skyblock that is very difficult, as it might damage some of your island. So here's my idea for a custom recipe for a music disc.

I think that in the center of the crafting table there should be a certain color of wool there, so depending on what color wool you put there, you get a different disc. Also, you should surround the wool with charcoal, or coal blocks, depending on if you can make coal blocks with charcoal, because i'm not sure lol.
But anyways, there's my idea on a new custom crafting recipe for Skyblock. Hope you like it :)


Trusted Member
I think it should be coal blocks--because they require coal (not charcoal) and coal is hard to get
And what's the new one for jukeboxes?


Trusted Member
The new jukebox recipe is 1 bookshelf, with a redstone repeater/comparator above it, not sure which one


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
The Actual Jukebox recipe (http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Jukebox) Is VEEERY EASY, I won't change. And If u know how to control mobs, it's not hard to create a music disk. Just find a creeper, trap it and lure a skeleton to shot you and put behind the creeper (keep distance) and you get the disk!