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Couple of Strongly Recomonded Ideas


Retired Staff
I really do recommended the follow:
1) No Spawn Camping in factions
a) It's super annoying to be leaving spawn & getting killed right when you get out.
b) People are just abusing it so much.
c) Mainly, to stop this. I would redesign the spawn. Right now as I'm watching this everyone is just running for their lives and getting killed right when they leave..
2) No Pvp/No Grief world.
a) People work really hard and taking their time in doing buildings/enchanting, etc. It would suck to see that time of their life being thrown in the trash by some competitive gamers.
b) I notice how much people get upset/rage on their buildings being destroyed and their items being lost.
c) I even neglect to even build anything due to it being ruined in a matter of time.
3) VIPs.
a) VIP's as it is is just way to OP. weapons & armor. Just to much. I know it's part of the rank. But it's ridiculous how overpowered we are compared to non-vips.
b) Most commands should be blocked for lower ranks.. Such as /jump,/near,/day/night, and /d They just abuse it so much.
c) VIP's always single out most non-vips, such as joinning factions.
4) More Staff.
a) I always see people disobeying the rules and getting away with it. I do report most of it. But not all of the stuff is everywhere when we need them, and when they are on. They work everything they can to help everyone. It's just weird seeing people not following simple rules and getting away with it.


Well-Known Member
#Magenta4Mod yes please remove /d I hate when people disguise into xp of anything and drink invisibility!


Active Member
I really agree with #1! You can't even get out of fac spawn anymore without using fly. I usually just use obelisks to get out of fac spawn instead.


Active Member
To solve the spawn camping thing there could be a button that when you click it, it would run the command /spreadplayers and spread a person randomly in a radius of 500 blocks, each time it would be random, thus, solving spawn camping. There is no way of predicting where the player would end up, so it is a safe alternative instead of just moving/re-making factions spawn.


Well-Known Member
I could help with that, I happen to know the igates commands so we can move it, though the HUB portal may be a pain in the rear to move :?


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
1) Thats forbidden. And we also added the 4 obelisks warps so it doesn't happen...
2) Thats the idea of FACTIONS, to forge alliances, raid and PVP. What you want is VANILLIA SURVIVAL, we may add that game mode soon if people want it, but days ago we made a poll of "which new game mode would u like to be added" and vanillia survival lost really bad, so I'm sorry but we aren't planning to add that game mode soon...
3) You may be right in some aspects, but you must have in mind that thanks to all those VIPS, the server is running so I think they DESERVE all the perks they have. However, I agree that those XP orb disguises make people in GOD mode and that shouldn't be allowed, so I'll block them from factions server...
4) I'll add more staff soon