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Global Colored Names


Well-Known Member
Hey every1, i had a good idea. So, i was thinking that every rank could have a different color, and default like gray. As we had these colors, are name as we walk around could be the color that are rank is. I thought this would just be a really cool idea for the server and people could tell what rank the other people had.



Well-Known Member
uh, ranks already have colored names, and default is white, which is still a color... ranks have specific colors and names to differentiate between them already, not quite sure what you mean, but it sounds like you mean what hhg already has.


Retired Staff
1.) Ranks already have colors......
2.) The colored name tags is a staff only thing. It is so that we can be distinguished easier by the players. If we gave it to non-staff it would be much harder for people to get our attention. Especially for new players who don't yet know our commands (Such as /staff), as our commands are very custom on our server :D

So thanks for the suggestion, but its very unlikely that this will be added.