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Global Buying some perks


Active Member
As we all know getting a rank gets you new perks. Now say if you wanted World Edit because you go on creative a lot,
that means you'll have to spend 100USD on Mockingjay rank to unlock it. My idea is that you can buy perks d
Separately from the shop. Here are some I recommend:

World Edit (5-10USD)
/fly in hub(5USD)
Extra plots(5USD each)
Level unlocker(15-20USD)

These prices are probably wrong but I'm just giving ideas.

I don't think you should put too much perks otherwise people can basically get there own customised rank with there own perks. If there are any other perks I may have missed out please comment. Thanks.


I like the idea of being able to buy /fly and Worldedit, but I think that the extra plots and extra levels should stay as rank-only.

Alternatively, /fly and worldedit could be added to the treasure hunter as legendary items, and perhaps an extra creative plot as a rare or uncommon item.