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Global Build It And Oitc

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Active Member
I honestly think build it and OITC are ignored by most players and it's a waste of money to keep them up when they could be used for other game-modes that more people would play more. I'm not trying to say I want more gamemodes but I personally think that they are too under-used to keep up.


Retired Staff
Even if they are under-used, they are still loved. Even with no constant rate of change, it still manages to fulfill a couple players. I know for a fact that one in the chamber itself it quite entertaining. At times yes, you may ponder on why it is so empty, but do not worry. We are planning upgrades and updates to empty gamemodes but that is no where near this month, or next. Also, Arcade is "ignored by most players" along with UHC. Why not suggest those have a replacement?

Build It & OITC will remain online until further notice. This thread will be locked, no staff shall respond.
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