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Retired Staff
So, I've noticed alot of bots joining the site and creating random threads and... they write some random stuff out then they put a link there. I'm curious as to what the staff do about this... Do you ban them and delete the thread? Or just leave them alone?

"Consistent coleslaw"


Retired Staff
Not much we can do but ban them on sight. And there are a few who aren't bots but people who are payed to literally spam people's forums all day... All we can do is increase the captcha security and ban on sight. It will also help if you guys as a community reported them to any online staff or any on skype if you have them ;)


Retired Staff
We do get rid of them and their account, but as Kaios said, people literally get paid to spam forums with that stuff xD
Super depressing job xD

We try and keep our eye out for them :)
Please don't comment on a spam bots post though. It brings it to the top of the feed when it shouldn't be :) thanks :)