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Well-Known Member
I have an idea, How about...Lets say /seen Julia0821, If it did that, it should see how long they are online/offline. Example: /seen Julia0821 (response) Julia0821 has been offline for 2 hours 48 minutes 38 seconds. I know this is for Mods (I think :p) and all, but I'm talking about Normal Players? Just a suggestion. If you do it, I wish you good luck!



Trusted Member
I have an idea, How about...Lets say /seen Julia0821, If it did that, it should see how long they are online/offline. Example: /seen Julia0821 (response) Julia0821 has been offline for 2 hours 48 minutes 38 seconds. I know this is for Mods (I think :p) and all, but I'm talking about Normal Players? Just a suggestion. If you do it, I wish you good luck!

We had this on factions, but only worked on faction(only showed last time online on factions)I agree we should have this though


Retired Staff
Chris, just did my ban appeal :p
Please do not talk about your appeal outside the Ban Disputes section. It was answered by one of our forum moderators.
How can it be bad? I mean I can see you need to put time into it
Well, let's say we banned X person, the user does /seen <Z> and notice they have not been on in Y months, N days, M hours. It would lead to suspicion and more questions and worries the staff team will have to handle.


Trusted Member
Please do not talk about your appeal outside the Ban Disputes section. It was answered by one of our forum moderators.

Well, let's say we banned X person, the user does /seen <Z> and notice they have not been on in Y months, N days, M hours. It would leave to suspicion and more questions and worries the staff team will have to handle.
I see