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Website Add direct links to the rules


I suggest adding references inside the html on the rules page.

This would make it so that players and staff could link to a specific section of the rules.

For example:
www.happy-hg.com/rules#Forums would link directly to the forums section of the rules

www.happy-hg.com/rules#SG would take you right to the SG section of the rules
All this would need is a few lines of code:
<a name="Forums></a>
<a href="#Forums">Forums Rules</a>
The above code would put a link directly to the "Forum Rules" header. You could use styling to keep it looking the same. Also, that would allow for the rules button to be changed to a menu, and it able to be separated into forums rules and server rules.


Trusted Member
no horrible idea the world will end
Yeah but in reality it's a really good idea. And even though Trenly disagrees with a lot of ideas, you got to think, most of the time he's right. I mean Trenly he's a smart man xD


Trusted Member
I'm terrible with this stuff but from looking at the title and your examples, it looks really cool :D Also I understand nothing from the spoiler