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A Hobo attacked me :(


Active Member
Recently in my home town a park was flooded from a bunch of water being released from a dam so my family decided to go to the park and explore! See the mess. We stayed for about an hour and a half talking and getting distracted by cute puppers but I guess my distraction didn't help me. Where I was standing there was a hill so anyone riding a bike down the hill would need to slow done, watch out for any people walking the path. This freaken hobo was riding so fast down the hill he hit my father and I than flipped in the air and fell face first on the asphalt. He yelled at me saying "What the F*** were you thinking" with a rude tone of voice. I bystander walk towards us and defended me stating that the hobo is in the wrong and that he shouldn't be riding his bike so fast down the hill. The hobo quickly got off the ground and without hesitation he got back on his bick, said sorry with a low voice than road away never to be seen again.

Yes dont worry I am ok, I am not in the hospital, I didnt die, I can still walk!
no but my back still hurts just a little but only if you touch it.
Stay safe out there my friends!