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SCBB 3 Classes That Need Buffs/debuffs

classes that need buffs/debuffs

- = debuff needed | + = buff needed

-TNT- the tnt can bring you down to 2-3 hearts witch is way to much if your going for a flawless.
SUGGESTION - debuff damage but have tnt regen on a 20-30 sec timer with a max stack of 1 debuff damage to 3-5 heart of damage.
+cupid+ his explosion radius is tiny and for me when I got this class I thought it more like a direct downgrade from skeleton.
SUGGESTION - increase explosion radius and damage.

-Yoshi- I don't know what is up with this class but it NEEDS a debuff the eat stack up to much damage and the stomp almost hits the REQUIRES a nerf.
SUGGESTION - debuff stop and eggs


thats all, ~pixoul


Trusted Member
I like this idea very much, although I believe Cupid is really good, but he does need a bit of a buff. I'd say to make the explosions hit entities so it's easier to hit with the explosion.


Active Member
If cupid is going to get a damage buff, then it should get a cooldown on the bow. Most people just spam the bow, and if it did 3-4 hearts per shot that would be crazy. Maybe a 5 second cooldown. Ghast should get a buff too.
I say keep the original kit just make it more expensive or mockingjay only so it is harder for people to get.


I agree with you for the most part. I think the stomp on Yoshi is fine, but maybe a bit less eggs so people can't spam them.


Trusted Member
Yoshi is fine, if Cupid is going to get a damage buff I agree with Orestensibly it needs a cooldown.